Would you read a fiction with long chapters?
EDIT: Reading your answers, I realize that it is not enough. I think that at that moment I was a bit surprised because I don't been in AO3 more of one year; also, my fandom (specifically that ship) doesn't have many fanfics and the longest fanfic is 200k, so i don't know why I felt like I was writing quite a bit. Anyway, thank you very much for your answers!
My chapters are long. REALLY long. The shortest will be 4k words and the longest will be 12k. This is because I try to make my chapters last a whole day so I don't feel lost when I have to update so they are long.
My story has a good readership but I'm worried about them seeing that the chapters are THAT long because I always see my favorite authors saying "wow my longest chapter is 5k" and that's is one of my shortest chapter.
Since last month I have been writing 4 chapters to make a somewhat long update and the total of those 4 chapters according to google docs is 21K WORDS and I still have half of the last chapter left.
Whenever I read fiction, the longest chapters are 5k words, but 5k is something I would write for a one shot and sometimes I feel that many potential readers might feel discouraged if they see that the chapters are so long. I've always thought my chapters were a bit long, but now that I'm about to get to a crucial part of the story my chapters are the double as long as before and I'm worried about boring my readers to the point that they'll abandon my story.
What I'm getting at is that I don't know if I should start dividing the chapters so as not to exhaust my readers. If you had a fiction that interested you, would you read it even if the shortest chapter was 7k or you will abandon it?