What keeps you guys going during this current political climate?

TW: Mention of su*cidal ideation

2025 is off to an insane(ly bad) start. Impending inauguration, wildfires, every public figure turns out to be a horrible person, TikTok ban, & that’s just in the US alone.

I (21F) don’t know what to do. I was deeply depressed & pessimistic after the election, & everyone kept telling me not to be. So I’ve been trying to be hopeful. Yet every time I feel hope, it gets shot to the ground by something else.

My su*cidal ideation has creeped back with a vengeance. I don’t have many friends, I have no goals in life, or even a job at the moment. This fucked up world is making it even worse. I don’t know how to handle it.

How do you find joy when the world is like this? Hell, how do you even find sanity when the world is like this?

(Please don’t tell me I’m being dramatic or that I should stop reading the news. As a Black, queer woman in a conservative area, I’m legitimately scared. Plus, I would much rather be educated than blissfully ignorant.)