Boomer coworker can’t spell and tried to make fun of me.
My boomer coworker is all boomer and very little co-working. Whenever I send her an email that is longer than two sentences, I can guarantee she’s going to call me and ask me to go over the email with her and I’m convinced it’s because she refuses to (or can’t) read. She also plays this game where she CCs our boss on emails when she thinks I’ve made a mistake and when I correct her suddenly the boss isn’t included in the correspondence anymore. So we are working on a document together, and I sent it to her for a final review before sending it up to our boss. Within 10 minutes, she calls me laughing hysterically and says “you put something in this document and let me tell you I laughed so hard, I needed that laugh!“ so I ask her “OK, what did I put in the document?“ And she, as giddy as possible, goes “hold on hold on hold on let me show you let me show you!“ I jokingly asked her “I didn’t put any curse words in there did I?“ And she screams “YOU DID!!! Oh just wait til you see.”
The word in question? Assess. This Boomer really thought this word said asses and even incredulously asked me “what do you mean that doesn’t say asses?“ And I just said “it doesn’t say asses because it says assess.”
My fiancé and I have been laughing about this all morning. Enjoy!