working up the courage to try sardines

ok yall… so i’m embarking on a journey to reverse my insulin resistance & I’m preparing to do paleo and IF. i want to try to add sardines to my daily routine to try & prevent calcium deficiency (which is common with paleo) even though i’ve never even tried them 😅 i am not a picky eater whatsoever, I’ll basically eat anything you put in front of me but something about sardines SCARES ME. lol. and just canned fish in general. i have no problem with any other canned foods it’s just canned fish that scares me…. i’ve tried canned salmon and the bones in it freaked me out!!!! i know there are bones in sardines too so I’m nervous to try them but they’re so healthy & i really wanna implement them in my diet!!! what can i do to get over the texture?? & possibly flavor too. if the fishy flavor is super strong i’ll probably have a hard time stomaching it. i was thinking just plain yellow mustard might help?