Serious question from a newbie! Help me out please.

So I’m 31 almost 32 and just now finding my faith (I think.) It would take quite some time that I’m unfortunately unwilling to commit to while using my cell phone to explain to you guys why I feel like God has shown himself to me multiple times over the last few weeks and when it became glaringly obvious, I realized it’s been over the past few years. Anyways I have a habit of researching everything to death. I’ve made it several paragraphs into the Bible my mother gave me and I’ve been reading for 45 mins elsewhere entirely as an in depth look at what I previously just read. So all that leads me to my point… the King James Bible was published in 1611 but since then there’s been like 5-8 more ancient manuscripts that have been found such as the Dead Sea Scrolls. This has led to different revisions of the Bible (RV,RSV,ASV,etc.) Now my question is it sinful to read these other bibles? Am I reading one and not even knowing it? Whats the consensus on these revisions?? As a total newb please be gentle lol. Thanks in advance!