An All-GOOD, All-POWERFUL God is not congruent with an eternal Hell

God created logic. You use logic for everything, so it would make sense that God would want us to use logic for the most important subject of existence- Who he is. So you can't slap "because I have faith", because it is a cop-out and not an actual argument.

If God is all-GOOD, He would never want to be SEPARATED from you forever, nor would He want you to suffer for all eternity. If He is All-GOOD, then he would rather want you to learn, to grow, to receive punishment but have more chances, and to be able to be with him forever.

If God is all-POWERFUL, then he 100% has the absolute ability to make a world without eternal hell possible, and not have an evil deity (Devil) have so much control and power exist. (Not to mention that also cops-out every abominable action "oh the devil got to me"

If you believe God is All-Good and All-Powerful, you cannot have an eternal hell.

(And yes, I believe in God that is all-good and all-powerful, I am not an atheist)