I'm so tired of people using fake guilt tripping.

Look, im not denying life can be hard.

But it's seems like people are using guilt tripping tactics to attempt to win more often.

"My mom/dad died"

"I have cancer"

"I've never won anything before" (This happens in Style Showdown)

"No one ever votes for me"

Who knows what else people have seen.

It's just so ridiculous in my personal opinion. It doesn't make me want to vote for you. I vote for fits that are on theme, beautiful, that work in general. It's clear as day who actually tries in the game & they deserve the votes. Not someone pleading for pity.

I guess I'm just bothered right now because I just finished a style showdown round. This girl had the most style stars, but there were two people in jury. Out of the blue, she's like "I have cancer, vote for me please" It shook me highkey, because unfortunately my father DID pass from cancer, just a few years ago. It was bad, he was in hospice & everything. I called her out, and she just said "I'm reporting you" Like, what?

Its not impossible, you can be sick & playing a game, but come onnnnnnnnn.

That's my vent. Hope all is well for everyone, sending my best.