Is NPTEL MOOC course compulsory for IPU BBA/BCA/BCOM Degree?
2 MOOC courses are compulsory and if you don't do it in time and more over if you don't submit it to your college in time it will cause problem when your degree will be given. You have to submit it and both MOOC course must have 6 credits in total and you have to submit it to your college/teacher when they will ask.
You will recieve a "F" and a "Back" if you don't submit it in time.
A lot of people think you can just drop these MOOC course subjects but in reality you can't. It's compulsory 100%.
MOOC courses and Project Report both are 100% compulsory.
Don't take this lightly otherwise you will get your degree 1 YEAR late. (I personally know many cases like this, it's not a good experience for the student or the Family).
My_Qualifications: IPU UG