Conscription: Personal Freedom or Duty?
Some of you might have realized this already, but this just suddenly dawned on me.
A society gives priority to either personal freedom (mostly prosperous societies), or duty (mostly societies under survival pressure) . It is impossible to prioritize both at the same time.
If personal freedom is priorotized, everyone should be able to do what they want. The woman and the men should have the freedom to go to college, start a business, have sex with who they want etc. This rules out conscription (Selective Service in the US and conscription in other countries).
The only way conscription should be allowed is if duty is prioritized over personal freedom. Then the grounds for selecting only men for conscription is that the men are naturally stronger and are built for combat. Then by the same logic, women should be kept barefoot and pregnant, cooking in the kitchen, because they are built for it.
So to be fair to both men and women, any country that conscripts men must take away all educational and employment opportunities from women and keep them in the kitchen. But we only see conscription, not the kitchen.