Does Layla need a nerf?

Late game Layla's shred the living sh!t out of my team. You basically have to burst her down before she wipes the team out. Even if she lacks mobility, she can quickly kill the enemy with her long ass range, even if you escape, her ult will literally snipe you. Layla will shred the enemy mm when she gets atleast 2 of her core items. She can burst down most heroes by using 1st skill and 2nd skill with ult. You need to buy defensive items like blade armour, dominance ice to just tank the insane damage out put. And she still does so much damage. She needs a buff for her laneing phase as she struggles early game. She needs her Late game damage to be reduced as in team fights, she's lowkey gonna get easy Savage's. And I also hate it when she can damage turrets without being hit.

Late game Layla's shred the living sh!t out of my team. You basically have to burst her down before she wipes the team out. Even if she lacks mobility, she can quickly kill the enemy with her long ass range, even if you escape, her ult will literally snipe you. Layla will shred the enemy mm when she gets atleast 2 of her core items. She can burst down most heroes by using 1st skill and 2nd skill with ult. You need to buy defensive items like blade armour, dominance ice to just tank the insane damage out put. And she still does so much damage. She needs a buff for her laneing phase as she struggles early game. She needs her Late game damage to be reduced as in team fights, she's lowkey gonna get easy Savage's. And I also hate it when she can damage turrets without being hit.