What are the famous people in STEM who double majored in college?

Hey! I've recently concluded that I would like to be involved not in just one specific field, like engineering or physics, etc, and I got hooked on an idea of expanding my education options to cover more than one subject. But it's obviously a non-traditional approach, and I understand the disadvantages of this approach and potential risks related, therefore, I began reading more about people who pursued multiple careers in fields related to one another to a certain extent. I think one such example can be Jared Diamond, since he started as a biophysicist and physiologist but ended up developing a career in ornitology & ecology, and then in anthropology & geography, and eventually also being a very popular author. Again, I understand this path is more difficult and not standard, but I think I crave more for something of that kind. But I want to read more about life examples, so please share what people in STEM you know who pursued several careers, and also I'm interested in those who double majored in college. Will appreciate a lot!