Jan 21st, City Council Work Session - Consideration of a five-year operating levy to fund the Library, Parks, and Center 50+
Hi all,
Tomorrow the city council will discuss whether or not to put a levy on the ballot to fund the library, parks, and Center 50+. If you support these things, I suggest you attend. Filling the stands will demonstrate the community's support. It will be from 6pm-8pm at City Hall (555 Liberty St SE)
You may also write an email as public comment until 5pm tomorrow. As this is a work session, there will be no in person public comment.
Write to [cityrecorder@cityofsalem.net](mailto:cityrecorder@cityofsalem.net) with a cc: to the Salem City Council [citycouncil@cityofsalem.net](mailto:citycouncil@cityofsalem.net)
The subject line of your email should read "Public Comment for the January 21st Work Session."