Clock out prompt/No break

So, my store is a fairly small store. Every so often, like most stores, there’s a period where they don’t have enough hours to give out, resulting in being short staffed. I work in Fulfillment. During a regular, steady season we usually have at least 3 people doing orders a day, and usually some shifts overlap somehow. Lately, there’s been 1 of us on the floor by ourselves for extensive periods of time. I do call out for help over the walkie but lately I haven’t been receiving help when asked. I wasn’t able to take my 15. This has happened a couple of times now.

My question is, when I click that I wasn’t given all of my breaks, is someone notified? Will this get me in trouble? People have told me they don’t get all their breaks but they still press yes anyway. I pressed no because I wanted someone to realize that there is an issue here, but now I am nervous that this will just get me in some sort of trouble. Any advice?