Giardia and Lactobacillosis Overgrowth and Dryness
I'm hoping sharing my story can help others. And if it ends up being the same situation for you, maybe you could let me know, since my doctor doesn't think it's all connected? I'd love to see if we can find a connection.
Here's my abbreviated story. I started having severe vaginal dryness and lubrication issues days after being intimate with a new partner. Thought it was the lube I had a reaction to since we both std tested negative but he had said his ex had had lubrication issues too. Turns out he had a ureaplasma/mycoplasma infection. He was treated with metronidazole and he was immediately better.
I kept testing negative for everything though. The dryness got worse and felt burning like battery acid consistently. Finally treated with doxy just in case since I react poorly to metronidazole. No relief. Months and months go by and the docs treated me for yeast with diflucan but still no relief.
I go to a functional medicine practitioner. He does swab and the results come back 100% lactobacillosis inners. He put me on oral clindamycin. I got a tiny bit of relief. Then I started bioidentical progesterone and notice more relief as the days went on.
All this time I'm having dizziness spells, central nervous system issues, gut turning naseau, etc. So I get more tests and turns out I had a long standing giardia intestinal infection. Take the single dose anti-parasitic, tinidazole, and the naseau dissolves and my vaginal dryness and irritation seem to dissolve too. Still have lasting nerve pain though.
Might be too soon to tell but believe it was the giardia causing the dryness, especially because it happened right after a new partner who also had an ex with the same issues. And, metronidazole is the treatment too for giardia and ureaplasma/mycoplasma and his whole body seemed to respond positively to treatment.
Giardia is considered an intestinal parasitic infection. Many get it from contaminated water hiking or camping. Many who have giardia get misdiagnosed as IBS given that it also causes digestive issues, anemia, lactose intolerance, and other aliments. I have all of those too! I believe I caught it from a partner and it contributed to severe vaginal dryness. Wondering if we can find a connection or if you experienced anything similar?