Just call me Ali G because these yellow tinted driving glasses are a game changer!
Just was wondering if anyone else is in the yellow tinted lens camp? I just got a duplicate pair of eyeglasses with the yellow "driving lens" to try out with my last order, and man, I sort of wish I would have tried these sooner because they are pretty much damn near perfect. Not sure what it is, they just kind of even out the range of colors especially screens and LEDs, and even though I haven't worn them out in the blazing summer sun yet, so far they are just tinted enough it's not such a huge deal going outside into the sunshine to run an errand or whatever. I don't have to switch from sunglasses to normal glasses inside stores and stuff now either. OH AND DRIVING AT NIGHT - COMPLETELY FLATTENS OUT THE INSANELY BRIGHT HEADLIGHTS!
So yeah, this may be my old-guy thing but if you haven't tried these you definitely should, and any of you that have - what are your thoughts?