Very strange symptoms
I've had extreme anxiety for the last 18 months every single moment for every single day. It started as seveare throat pain which I think triggered horrendous anxiety.
I've had some really strange symptoms ever since and I wonder if anyone has had anything like it?
-muscle twitching all over -ear ringing occasionally - tingling in hands and feet, especially when warm or cold water is I'm contact - skin sensations like crawling and tingling - random patches of skin tingling for weeks - occasional sweating at night (not a full on night sweat), usually with a bad dream - jaw tension - insomnia - throat tension - stomach pain - fatigue - elbow pain when waking up - head ache - eye pain - hypnic jerks when falling to sleep - jerking limbs - TMJ - goose bumps for days then just stops.
Been to doctors and they just say anxiety (understandable) but the symptoms are very bizzare. Been to Neurologist and they weren't concerned (said anxiety was contributing). I really don't get what's happening, I feel like my body is just switched on and it's exhausting. It feels like I'm dying but it's been 18 months and I'm still fit and look healthy.
I'm really struggling, I've tried SSRI and it didn't work very well. I've had plenty of blood tests and they only found slightly raised liver enzymes so I lost 20lbs intentionally.
How do I get out of this?