Breaking bad is the best show ever.
I wanted to post this because I saw someone say that breaking bad has bad writing and would be boring without the exciting moments. First thing thing I would like to say is that breaking bad's wring is absolutely amazing. I like to consider bb and bcs as the same show but if you consider them different then I still think Breaking Bad is better than Batter Call Saul. But I would like to consider both as part of the same show. Many shows have great writing. I agree that some may have writing that's on par with or sometimes even better than Breaking bad but the fact that Breaking bad has these exciting moments shows that this great writing is executed perfectly too. The execution of the story is a very important of any show. Breaking bad has all that executed perfectly too which just makes it better. I think the argument that the sopranos or Game of thrones has better writing(I don't agree with that btw) and Breaking bad will not be so popular without the exciting moments won't be as good is extremely stupid because the execution of a story is like the most important part of a show. I think any story if badly executed isn't good. Breaking bad has the perfect mix of drama and other genres. I think taht is better than any other show.