CMV: “Misandry Annoys, Misogyny Kills” is an illogical statement that seeks to justify bigotry
When men complain about the pretty blatant acceptance or downplaying of misandry in society I’ve often seen this met with the dismissive statement “Misandy annoys, Misogyny kills” or similar.
I don’t know who said this first but the first time I saw it was about 3-4 years ago but it seems to have taken root as a logical thing to say. People will say “it’s different” but it’s really not and here’s why:
This rhetoric isn’t new at all. We’ve seen it consistently throughout history in different forms. Civil right era. Segregation might annoy blacks but the protection of our white community is more important. 9/11. Not everyone from the Middle East is a terrorist but the protection of my family take priority over someone feeling offended. Covid 19. In every single one of these case violence against that demographic increase. I don’t think anyone would sincerely say that the rhetoric presented didn’t have a major impact on that so why would it be different in this case?
It doesn’t make logical sense to assume that a woman has never murdered a man on the bases of him being a man. Further, It assumes that misandry can only relate in female on male violence and not male on male violence even from someone who isn’t a misandrist themselves. If you present the idea that it’s ok to hate men simply for being men then that emboldens someone who may not necessarily hate men, but are looking for a villain or anyone who’s life is seen as less valuable
Further the acceptance and dismissive nature the topic of misandry is met with creates a cycle which causes the problem to continue to be see as not a problem. When looking up “Women murdered by men” on google you’re given a lot of resources, studies and articles about it. When looking up “Men murdered by women” you might get a response downplaying this and noting how “rare” this is followed by the same articles about how women are killed by men. Look up “men have a right to hate women” and “women have a right to hate men” and see the different responses you’re given. You actually get insanity like this: ( before you you get stats about misandry
It specifically focuses on “Killing” and “irritating” while completely forgetting the major area that lies in between those 2 things. How many men have been assaulted, harassed or raped by women because women have felt justified in committing these acts simply because theyre a woman and a man is man
Even ignoring all the previous reasoning, its just justification of bigotry. It’s saying “I don’t think this form of bigotry actually matters except to irritate people so it’s not actually an issue worth addressing”. It present the false dichotomy that people either are misandrist or misogynistic when in reality you could just be…neither.
Im open to hearing why this isn’t just bigotry