[US-FL] [H] Omnis, Hardcovers, and Trades [W] PayPal

Hi, everyone. Looking to sell these off to pay for school costs and need to offload them by the end of the night, so I’m accepting REASONABLE offers lol. All prices include shipping and and all omnis are sealed! Please ask if you have any questions! Thank you and have a good day and rest of your weekend!

Pics: https://imgur.com/a/FsxDznb


Blade Early Years Omni - $40

Dark Tower Books 1-7 - $75

Runaways Deluxe HC 1-3 - $61

Ultimate Marvel by Hickman Omni - $54

Ultimates by Millar Omni - $55


All-Star Superman TPB - $9 (Add-on)

DMZ Vol. 1-12 - $49

Doom Patrol Book One TPB - $7 (Add-on)

Ex Machina Vol. 1-8 TPB - $24

JLA Syndicate Rules TPB - $7 (Add-on)

Lobo: Big Fraggin Compendium - $32

Red Hood & The Outlaws Vol. 1 - $10

Superman: The Return of Superman TPB - $7 (Add-on)

Watchmen Boxset - $52


Paper Girls Vol. 1-4 - $15

Dark Horse

Sin City Vol. 7 Deluxe HC - $53


The Cimmerian HC Boxset (Conan) - $54