"Trianon's cruelty applied to other countries" Hungarian poster in 1921
The reader has six maps on this page. In our various revision publications, we used these maps to show the impossibility that would result if three-quarters of the respective countries were distributed among their neighbors with the ruthless rigor of the Treaty of Trianon. In copies intended for foreign countries, there is always only one of these images, depending on which country the work was intended for. On the maps, the red area represents the torn area, and the yellow surface represents the left part
The reader has six maps on this page. In our various revision publications, we used these maps to show the impossibility that would result if three-quarters of the respective countries were distributed among their neighbors with the ruthless rigor of the Treaty of Trianon. In copies intended for foreign countries, there is always only one of these images, depending on which country the work was intended for. On the maps, the red area represents the torn area, and the yellow surface represents the left part