If you want to get disciplined just read these 5 books

Alright so a few years ago I decided I wanted to stop wasting my fucking life scrolling all day and playing Pokémon ultra moon right?

So I kept doing all the bad shit with one difference… now I listened to audiobooks while I did them.

The first few discipline books I got were complete trash but slowly I started finding the gold nuggets out there.

Fast forward today I don’t say I’m disciplined, other people TELL ME I am that’s when I realized my plan had worked, just took a few years.

Anyways after sorting through all the trash out there if I had to do it all over again I’d just read these pieces or gold.

  1. Slight Edge Holyyyyy shit this book gets me hard.

In the slight edge you learn basically success is just you doing the tiny things every single time and the author essentially says if your goal is a Rolls Royce, you pay for it .25 cents a day.

As long as you don’t stop you’ll get it.

Most people just quit after a year or two because it’s taking so long, but after around 3-5 years the money that’s all built up on the background suddenly explodes.

It’s an amazing book.

  1. No excuses Brian Tracy I legit think this mad got a manual to life when he was born. In this book the man discusses how most people live on “someday isle” as in they constantly say someday I will… but neglect to realize… TODAY IS SOME DAY. If you’ll do it later, what the fuck is stopping you now?

Oh too busy? You think you won’t be busy in the future?

The thing is those that have choose what they want, ask the price then pay it daily until it’s there’s.

A very sharp commentary on life.

  1. Dopamine nation Long story short your addictions are ruining your life, who knew?

The thing is in this book you learn you can quit and the suffering only lasts about 30’days

The secret is to gradually start rescuing the frequency of your addictive behaviors until you can sniff them out entirely.

  1. The willpower instinct

If discipline was a class, this would be its textbook.

Holyyyyy shit.

This book changed it all for me.

In this book you have this dr. From Stanford university who spent like 30 years studying why some people have self control while others don’t right?

And she came up with something like a dozen strategies you can apply I’d say daily but in reality you can apply moment to moment.

This book helped me quit virtually all my addictions over a two year period and at the same time build habits I’ve found virtually impossible until I discovered this.

Honorable mention: Atomic habits

I feel like this book is obvious so I didn’t speak on it too much