Playing as the USSR is too easy.

Being able to hold Germany at your border as ussr is crazy. I understand that as the player, we have the enormous advantage of knowing when and how the enemy is going to attack, but still in 1941 the Soviets had the bulk of their armed forces in the west. What caused the initial disaster was Stalins stubbornness to not aknowledge the gravity of the situation (he only addressed his people almost TWO WEEKS after the attack). It also took him a relatively long time to switch from rewarding fidelity to actually rewarding merit and releasing pressure on his military staff.

I know this is represented in the game to some extent, but nearly not enough. There should be a major debuff to organisation, planing speed and maybe even straight up defence for the first weeks of the German invasion, because right now you can just put 2 million men at the border with Germany and watch them throw themselves into the meat grinder. Maybe a pop up that says something like « No response from Stalin » with a serious 30 days debuff should do it.