Is Persil worth it?

I currently use Arm and Hammer free and clear. I don't use fabric softener, just wool balls. And sometimes I will put either vinegar or lysol laundry sanitizer in the fabric softener dispenser. I've always wanted to try Persil ProClean Free and Sensitive. It's a little too much money for my budget, but I have an Amazon Gift card for the exact amount so I thought maybe I'd try it. Is Persil really worth it and that much better than what I currently use? Should I spend my $25 dollars on that or something else on Amazon haha? Please let me know if you guys think it's worth it. Since I use scent free idk if I'll even notice a difference or not. I do have an 8 month old baby too BTW, but I hand scrub and food stains out first before putting in the wash so I've never really had much of a problem. I think I've only had one outfit stained on the sleeves but I'm normally able to get the stains out. Thanks!