For people who have owned manual Mazdas, how do you like the shift feel?

I'm trying to save up for a new car and I've been debating between a few options. I thought I wanted a Jetta GLI but the shifter feel is atrocious and I really don't want to have to get custom work done on it to make it not suck. Plus there are other issues as well.

With that being said I've been seriously considering a Mazda instead. Probably a Mazda3. As much as I'll miss the turbo engine I honestly care more about having a nice shift feel than a turbo engine.

So for those of you who have driven one how did you like the shift feel? Please specify which model, trim, & year you're talking about.

Bonus question: if you've tried the knob controls for the infotainment system how did you like them? Seems weird to me but I'm wondering if I'll get used to it.