Being an ugly Asian lesbian sucks

I am East Asian . I don’t consider ugly in Western standards but In East Asian standards I am ugly as fuck

Small eyes , square big face , not defined eyebrows and I hate wearing make up .i am tall, fair skin , 140 lbs ( consider fat in East Asian standard ) have double chin , and flat chested .nearsighted and wear glasses which makes my eyes look even smaller

The only thing that is consider attractive in East standard is being tall and fair skin and my lips are. Okay I guess ( not too thin ) I don’t think being fair skin is considered attractive. All skin color is beautiful ! I wish I could have larger breasts or bigger eyes cuz my face is so big

There are guys find me attractive but I don’t fine myself able to get attracted to guys ( currently )

And all my crushes are women . I only like East Asian women ( so far ) . I do find other race women very very beautiful . But all my crushes ( like people I wanted to be together with and have a relationship with our East Asian women for the weirdest reason that I don’t even know

I find myself attracted to two different types women . Either very mature , feminiem ( large boobs , curvy body , tall . Or younger looking women ( usually people who resembles an anime character ( big eyes , double eyelids , Lolita style princess dresses , shorter than me )

I tend to like women who have full lips , yet emotional connection is also very important ( they have to be into anime or kpop or else I don’t what to talk to them about

I am Average looking and even consider ugly in East Asian standard . And yet I only find myself want to be with women who have things I don’t have. ( large eyes , double eyelids ) and there is no way they will be attracted to me and makes sense cuz I am still a kissless virgin

Ughh sucks to be ugly