Ugly men cannot just be confident, funny, charming, or get by on "personality"

I've hated this for my entire life. People believe that these characteristics are programmed into all men at birth, or something. It's crazy. Regardless, I'm not sure how you can develop all these positive attributes if you've truly been dealt an ugly hand. How can an ugly person be "confident" when they'll say you're arrogant, and make fun of your looks? How can an ugly man be "funny" when they're laughing at you rather than with you? How can an ugly person be "charming" when the mere fact of trying to approach someone makes them find it creepy?

Men will say that ugly women can still have sex, but if you were an ugly man, you would realize that it isn't the kind of sex you want."

Women will say that men can use their money, but if you were a man, you wouldn't want to use all that time and resources on something so shallow. Anyway, I don't care if it's a man or a woman. I just don't want to be ugly.