I miss BC rain

I was 18 when I moved to BC I studied at Langara College. I had a friends from China, Japan, Australia, Nigeria(shoot out to charity), South Korea, South Africa, Mexico, Cuba, US, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Ireland.
I was 19 when I had a trip to Northern BC from Vancouver to Prince George and beyond. High met a lady around Cache Creek that tag me back in my native tongue. This was my second year in Canada and I felt so loved.

I travel for work and I have met so many different peoples, but never like all those I met in British Columbia. I miss it. I miss BC.

I love BC rain. I miss so Langley and Vancouver where I grew up and spent my five years.

I spent 5 years in BC and moved to Alberta thereafter. One of the reason was I hated rain. I love it here in Alberta. I like the sun, the winters, the snow and small town vibes. I often travel for work all over Canada and US. I’m in BC right now and it’s raining outside my hotel. I’ve opened my window and I’m listening to pouring rain. Some part of me feels like I’m home even though I’m an immigrant to Canada. This rain makes me miss everything I’ve had in my life. My parents, my home, farm I grew up in. My first few days in Vancouver. I’m grateful for what I’m today but I miss thisv rain. It makes me feel lonely and vulnerable even though I’m doing alright.