Am I supposed to treat older people with respect just because they are older?
INFJs, how do you stop the cycle of overthinking?
Are tags the best way to grow a new account?
Why is every job so fucked up?
What’s a type of pain people underestimate until they experience it for themselves?
First class envelope??
???? Bully on Video
Literally just posted my first item to sell and i immediately go these comments.
When do we stop pretending?
My boyfriends hygiene is terrible and im starting to realize he's a textbook loser.
Alrighty then 😂
There is no hope for the black sun - what if the modern day United States was brought back to Decemeber 8, 1941?
What kind of person are you ?
do you feel like no one knows you?
How do your bullies act towards people outside of your job?
Adopted for Psychological research and medical testing
Why does the sky look different now than it did in 2012 and previous?
I'm not asexual or aromantic, yet I just don't care about dating. Anyone else feels the same way?
Don't hesitate to defend yourself
Any happily mean INFJ’s out there
Spiritual awakening moments
What does your MBTI stand for (wrong answers only).
Do you regret taking drugs?
How is everybody so chill about the fact that we’re all gonna die?