I’m doing dual enrollment, what can I expect?
How do I convert this into terms of a function.
Hyperbolic trigonometry
If you catch on fire only in soviet Russia would you truly be on fire.
You can turn razor blades into pennies.
[Calculus 1] I don’t understand how to evaluate this limit when positive and negative infinity are different.
Makes sense
I made this graph to visualize how you see a different number of rotations depending on the frame of reference.
[high school programming with Java] I not sure how to do this by hand.
Come on google AI.
Dose an object being magnetic have a correlation to color?
What’s going on here?
Can't Roll but still got me there
Here's a simple method to make a heart in Desmos!
Why does it show 255° and not 75°
The quantity of trash on this beach is insane
Maybe let’s not destroy this wonderful beach
I’m trying to calculate the x coordinate for these circle at different sizes given the radius.
My graphing calculator looks weird.
I need help making sense of how water boils at 33 feet when sucked through a straw.
I just opened Desmos and I got this monstrosity.
How I feel about ambiguously stated math questions
If a virus was discovered on another planet would it be considered an alien.