Что вы от скуки рисовали на уроке?
Characters that are made of or control some kind of black substance
favorite Squirrels?
This is how i feel about the Minecraft movie controversy
Favorite character with God complex
Tier list of Minecraft mobs based on how tasty they are
All the playable characters from The Binding of Isaac by me
Random mini dump. Some original characters and some existing ones.
Why do people hate Bee's (Beelzebub's) design so much??? I honestly think it looks cool
Tier list of all the final bosses I've ever fought. How many of them do you know?
Which show has the better character designs? Spectacular or Ultimate?
Moments that make the audience go nuts
How to make multiple texture variants for an entity?
Entity model layers animations
Weird sapling issue
Need help with model layers
My designs of classic and modern four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Custom biomes keep merging together
Custom biomes are generated too close to each other
Several minis based on my fictional dieselpunk universe called "Lumine"
Какая версия Майнкрафта для вас самая любимая?
Custom effect crashes the game
Trimmable custom armor
Favorite ship?