Very few people out there actually want an "equal partner "
at which point misandry starts?
Why do women always had less rights, in history, now, what did women do to deserve this?
Isn't it unfair that men have no choice in parenthood, while women do?
How does feminism successful become acceptable and how can men’s rights become too?
An observation on history
Thoughts on German age of consent?
at which point does misandry start?
The manosphere does not care about men's issues: Trump screws over men
abuse of statistics. studies, rethoric/semantics and facts...
Anybody who can counter these claims?
What is this patriarchy thing??
New year, new feminist lies and hate on all men in the most mainstream of mainstream media
The Western Complaints of Womens Rights
I love how every single conversation of how women are oppressed end up like this.. 😂
CMV: “Misandry Annoys, Misogyny Kills” is an illogical statement that seeks to justify bigotry
Steuerprogramm der Linken und die Finanzierung
What does the blue pill get right and what wrong?
"Women And Children"
Is Feminist Gender Equality really Egalitarian?
Do conservative men and women believe in gender equality?
Any counters ?
Gender equality
Decided to fix the definition of toxic masculinity. What do you guys think?
Feminist Gender Equality = talking equality while doing discrimination