Im fucking losing my mind over the fact that Im going to die alone without ever being in a relationship. My mental health is constantly going down I need advice on what to do about it. Is it possible to live a HAPPY life without EVER feeling love?
how do i know if my friends are only being my friends because of pity
There’s no hope for me.
Why don’t ugly people date each other?
love doesn't exist for ugly men
Has life being an ugly person ever gotten to a point where it brought you to tears?
Will being ugly prevent or affect me if i want to be a doctor?
Is there any point in additional details?
bone age - 11-12 years old, (but I'm 17)
Does being short affect my chances at being a doctor?
The UGLY TRUTH (as an ugly person)
Im practically forced into life long celibacy
I see more posts hating on incels than actual incel posting
Why do people act like friendships will fill the need of a romantic relationship?
For the ones that think it is impossible
How much did you grew after 15?
Why are you single right now?
What is ruining your mental health?
The bad news: You won't fit everywhere
I have a massive fear of being cheated on and seeing how society is nowadays just makes me want to consider swearing off relationships forever
Roses are red, I’m reaping the Perks!
I need advice.. please be honest, just dont gaslight me.
Can you get limb length surgery at 6ft 2?
$5 million, but once a year, you swap bodies with a random person for a week