If Nett actually drops the 18th it’ll easily overshadow I AM MUSIC
Here it is. . .
when to arrive at show
How can I sneak in tomatoes to throw at Carti at rolling loud?
how old were yall when wlr released?
Side skull fake but front skull legit?! Wtf is happening
is he dropping thursday night or friday night?
Features you REALLY PERSONALLY want on th3 album. At least 3.
is he“supposedly”dropping tonight or tommorow night?
is xav on that new che song that’s dropping on sunday or is he just in the mv
shut up beat drop
Still haven’t received my wristband.
are steel toed shoes allowed or no
What song comes to your head when you see this photo
i’m pretty new to number nine i’ve known abt their stuff for a while but never bought anything, how can you tell if a piece is real or not?
how long does shipping usually take from when i ordered it to it arriving at my house
i’m 16 and already have my ticket, do i need a california id to enter or no
how many liked songs and songs in your playlist yall got
Leaked Ken verse on Yeats jus better
Why don't underground artists make vinyls much?
does anyone know who runs the rinoswrld spotify acc
Do you guys know how weiland edits these kinds of pics? If so let me know.