What Are Your DTI Confessions?
A new sim for y'all, with and without the edit! 😄🫶🏾
Reverse misogyny
This is Jimmy's best line ever
random queston!! whos your favorite dti youtubers!! keep it cute in the comments!!
Trippy look I wasted 6 hours of my life on 🌀
I'm so tired of people using fake guilt tripping.
It’s a Wonderful Day for Pi 🎶
Mad Hatter in Jersey Shore
Any gels or creams to soothe pain
If you died and met the Christian God you once believed in, what would you ask him?
The ultimate timeout
Best seat in the house
Bro what?????💀💀💀
I don’t like where this is going…
Donuts from a local small coffee shop
F in the chat to this gorgeous fit I was unable to save in the wardrobe
Can you give me a random theme to dress up as in free play? I’ll post results in the comments!
Is there any certain singer that Cartman reminds you of?
Taylor Swift’s cats have condition that causes constant pain, say experts | Animal welfare
All my male sims look the same, they’re all just my type
Why does my makeup look like this?
What a poser
Disney Princesses
Guess the character