1234, I declare a thumb ______
Floral Court: Transient Hillclimb
What should I name this 'car'?
Is this all a coincidence?
Why do people love unnecessary ellipses?
Every vehicle in the world including your car has been K24 swapped! Whats your reaction along with the rest of the world?
That is illegal
Georgia is a country
What's an example of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"? It could be about body style, drivetrain, etc.
My equator
Give this a name
Not long ago, I came across this curious and interesting photograph. You can see the red moon in none other than Toronto's Chinatown, the city where the film is set.
Favorite music
Anyone know if I need a tourist Visa for The Loos?
Game day on MAR13 Day in the Chase
Visited my grandma today, topic of car size came up
I better not hear Fortnite for those reasons
It sorta all feels fake but also no: dysphoria
What years and models are these boomer doomers driving
Found the greatest backyard of all time
"Transbrand" Assigned-Teslas-At-Construction seem to be on the rise, mainly to avoid vandalism and hate after a particular man's salute.
Which decade of car interiors is the best? (1980's-2020's)