Are my pots too small?
Unpopular takes ??
Best places/sellers for Leca?
An update to the freeloaders on one of my planters: a tragedy in pictures
ID help please?
I'm stumped on these ID's..
Maybe People Can Chill
ID from you kind folks
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Tattling on myself
Too far gone to save?
Picked it up from my office. How do I help it recover?
can you tell me something about this 2 cactus? i got both for only 3€
What are our thoughts on Kratom?
No manual for this
Note I found on a buffalo 1000 pc starry night puzzle being given away
Supervisor says gender-affirming care is now illegal because of recent executive orders - is this actually true for mental health counselors?
My Agave Queen Victoria Reginae
What are these dirty brown spots on my new aeonium kiwi?
Only one has survived
Succulents and hanging shelf - Walmart finds!
Time for chop?
Normal or nah?
Cat pulled all leaves off Pachysedum "Ghanzou"