When you secretly audio recorded someone what did you find out what they really thought about you?
How old are you mentally and physically?
If you could go back 10 years and tell yourself one thing, what would it be?
What's the coolest letter in the alphabet?
How many years have you spent on this game and what do you think about it?
You discover a Genie and he/she grants you 3 wishes. What do you wish for?
What is something that every man should experience at least once in his life?
What’s a ridiculous thing you truly believed as a kid?
What's a moment in your life where you felt truly outside of your comfort zone, and what did you learn from it?
If you were given the ability to see a numerical value above every person’s head (like a video game stat), what statistic would you choose to see, and how would it change the way you interact with people?
What question did you thought to post on askreddit but didn't asked because you thought nobody knows the answer for that?
Atheist, when was the exact moment you lost hope in God?
What is a fact so terrifying that it keeps you up at night?
What’s the trick to stop caring about what others think?
Which movie did you never finish watching and why?
What is your "I can't explain it, but I'm right." viewpoint?
If asked to confess one thing to save your life what will it be?
How often do you start to respond on an AskReddit post, and then delete your comment without posting it?
Have you experienced racism and if yes what happened?
What is one fact that sounds fake but is actually true?
In a world where everything is to be taken literally, what would be the worst insult ?
When is your birthday?
what's the coldest villain you ever saw in a movie/series?
Why is this true?
How do you feel about older colleagues hanging around with younger ones?