Advice for someone starting a CS degree?
I got rejected by a program I didn’t apply 💀
Name a player with better footballing IQ than Johan Cruyff. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Applied in 2018, 2021, 2025 to dream PhD program
Getting a minor for comp sci
Anyone used these AI coding tools in actual interviews? I'm scared to use them
Talk to your profs
CS Majors
Grades dont matter
University Question
How tf do you get your first internship
Why are there still so many people majoring in CS despite there being no job?
This is insane
Wank here, what does this bum even do
If these countries were united, what would you call it?
Why not follow a single notation?
UIUC MSC Only Coursework
School year vs summer internships
Carnegie vs UIUC vs university fo Florida for cs/ electrical
This Year’s Admissions was the Most Competitive Ever
USC PhD decisions
Guess what links all these countries together
Should I report this to my prof.?
5 months of on-stop interviewing after finishing grad school, I have a worthy offer today
Who is a player you were technically right about being good, but didn't know he'd be *that* good?