Struggling with emotionally manipulative parents. Long post ahead. Serious replies only, please. I'm feeling awful right now, barely controlling myself from an anxiety attack. Please be kind.
Struggling with emotionally manipulative parents and heavy procrastination. Long post ahead. Serious replies only, please. I'm feeling awful right now, barely controlling myself from an anxiety attack. Please be kind.
Struggling with emotionally manipulative parents and procrastination. Long post ahead. Serious replies only, please. I'm feeling awful right now, barely controlling myself from an anxiety attack. Please be kind.
Struggling with emotionally manipulative parents. Long and serious post ahead. Serious replies only, please. I'm feeling awful right now, barely controlling myself from an anxiety attack. Please be kind.
AITA. Struggling with emotionally manipulative parents. Long post ahead. Serious replies only, please. I'm feeling awful right now, barely controlling myself from an anxiety attack. Please be kind.
Struggling with emotionally manipulative parents and their expectations. Long rant ahead. Please do comment if you're free right now, I'm desperate for support and the clarity if I'm the bad person here.
so... am i the only one in 12th here
We’re officially in February… What’s your favorite thing/made you fall in love with our bday boy, Jungwon?
Career counselling ( free me dedo )
How to download any YouTube video in full quality.
a long rant about my parents and how they kind-of fucked my life. long post ahead.
I feel like I lost my teen years. long rant ahead.
AITOO who has just began their lives but feels like my future would be depressing and filled with suffering
Someone commented on a post these markers to guide a person on what their interests relies in, and I asked them to guide me too. So while I wait for their reply, I was hoping to get help from here as well.
Will i regret joining mbbs if im not passionate enough?
So what are my cognitive functions according to this? Kinda confused since it's my first time on SOCIONICS
Help! Btech or BBA... what to choose
Help! Btech or BBA... I'm struggling to choose
deeper sleep during winters (or days particularly colder)
Life is exam or exam is life??
does anyone else have AWFUL gas during your period? like extremely bloated and just burping and passing gas constantly? The pressure kills me T.T
how is bba in IGDTUW?
Insider's Guide to IGDTUW