Saw a familiar face on Baywatch
Going to the County Jail Starter Pack
Do you guys know of any black comic heroes without powers? i.e. Green Arrow or Iron Man. Friend said there weren’t any but I could think of two immediately
“Elon is one of the greatest humans alive”
Gee, I wonder who’s in this egg.
A Decision For The Fight. What Seems to Be the Best Option? (See Description for my Currents Stats)
TikTok has ruined healthy relationships
My bf only applies to “cool jobs”
I love The Return but I will never defend the BOB ball
Where did you get your videogame codes and secrets before the internet?
Who gets the award for best chief of security on star trek?
Which starfleet helmsman or navigator would you want at the helm or navigation of your starship?
Trying to Get My Kid to See the Reality of a Music Career
Is Randall Flagg significantly more powerful in "The Stand" compared to "Eyes of the Dragon?" He seems like a force of nature in The Stand while in EOTD he's a conman magician getting by on the skin of his teeth.
Do you still have a physical media collection?
Everyone loved this and we couldn’t understand why it was short lived
If you could have any weapon from a sci-fi game or movie, which would you pick and why?
What did you think about the book Ready Player One? I was so engrossed by all the amazing video game nostalgia, but the writing was just awful.
Can we stop commenting "this" under comments
All in all, how much does it take for you to get fired?
Only One Gotta Go
What have yall named your main horse?
Night life under 21
Mascots (2016)