Please convince i don’t have a brain tumor
Do any of you panic when the people that work in the middle section of the mall stop you?
So tired of this
Zoloft Question
Weird Head Feeling?
I feel like something is off
Why do I keep shaking after 12am?
I hate how my doctors talk to/about me
My son is having panic attacks and I don't know what to do
Weird tingling/cold sensation in back, neck and head…is this normal??? i’m also feeling apathy, like not happy and not sad just kinda meh??? any thoughts??
Does anyone ever get something I can only call pulsating or painless throbbing?
pls is this normal im so scared
what’s your longest going health anxiety symptom
What physical symptoms has extreme health anxiety casued you?
Sudden weird, uncomfortable sensation in head/brain, like buzzing/sinking feeling
Internal head vibrations/shaking, anxiety and stress?
Too anxious to take Zoloft, help
Electrical current
Throbbing shaking feeling
Share you major symptoms
Does anyone else has swollen palm like me?
Everyday tingling
facial flushing and burning sensation anyone??