You have the chance to delete something from the game. What is it?
So, I was expecting to lose my 50/50 since I had won the last 2, and I was just building pity for Xianyun, I was at 10 pity and the next 10 wish was this
Wait so what about trans girls??
Plethora of walruses in search of feeding land
When people act like your argument is automatically invalid because you used bad grammar/punctuation.
What did you guys name your Little Guy from natlan?
When is episode 5 coming?
Hoyo, can we remove this cooldown please 😭
What's best Raiden team that makes her stand out??
Is it illegal to be naked in public if you cover your junk with your hands?
How has this hacker not gotten banned yet?
Anyone have good venti plunge teams? I tried plunge diluc with minimal success
how it feels to get 36*s this abyss with no natlan characters or characters who can jump/climb
My family doesn't know that I am to restoring.
How are you people genuinely attracted to feet
What are your top animal product facts that would disgust even a non-vegan?
No mods
I am pulling her purely for that run animation
If Ayaka was in ZZZ
Better genhsin burst animation according to me @dqkeita
Stop saying QoLs are useless.
actually, comsumable elemental energy was existed in closed beta(before genshin release).
Can a guy and a girl be friends if both understand that a relationship between them is impossible?
This ad event was adorable.
Be careful