What film(s) are you going with? Any underrated recommendations?
What is your top three favorite horror films of the 2020s so far?
Does The Terminator (1984) crack your top five Sci-fi films of all time?
Please, let us know.
If you could only choose three of these 1984 films and the rest disappeared forever, which three are you choosing?
What is your top three favorite Samuel L Jackson performances?
Which two Freddy films would you currently be in the mood to watch?
What was your top three favorite 2024 horror films?
Fight Club (1999) !
Thirteen Ghosts! (2001)
Who is your favorite detective duo?
How would you rank the Nolan trilogy?
What’s your thoughts on Let Me In (2010) ? Do you think this Matt Reeves film is a solid remake?
The Thing (1982) ! Do you remember your first watch?
Where do rank Terrifier (2016) in the franchise?
What’s your thoughts on Black X-mas (2006) ?
What’s your thoughts on Michael Mann? Top two favorite films?
Planet of the Apes (2001) !
Pulp Fiction (1994) !
They Live (1988) ! Does this John Carpenter film crack your top five horror/sci-fi films?