Who in your opinion had best sounding voice ?
What is your favorite pre-1960 song?
What comes to your mind when you think of Bangladesh?
What's the last song you fell in love with?
Have you experienced racism and if yes what happened?
Favorite genius?
What is one book that everyone should read?
What is the last movie you watched?
What was the most amount of alcohol you ever drank in one sitting?
Favorite character who has something to do with a casino
Unfinished Fakémon Concepts Based On Fresno Nightcrawlers
If stan was good (this is a joke, I really like this song)
If your ten year old kid drank an entire bottle of maple syrup and was now running feral through an antique shop, how would you try to contain him before he destroyed something priceless (but very expensive)?
Favorite crustacean?
how often do you get a haircut?
Favorite blonde lesbian/bi teenage girl with magical powers whose name doesn’t start with a J and is a good older sibling?
Favorite character that has the name marie?
Minecraft gang, rise up.
You're home sick from school/work. Soup doesnt exist in this world. What are you eating?
Favorite OWN character?
Favorite Irredeemable Villain?
Favorite shark character?
Yeah sex is cool. But have you ever tried Garlic bread?
Favorite living object character (excluding object show characters because that's too easy)
And the action economy was devastated