Would guys lose interest in their crush if they don’t see them for a week or two?
Can I play Arkham knight if I’m 13
Small Gipsy sketch I made
Do guys like geeky girls?
what does it take for a boy to develop a crush?
Whos your favorite transformer?
Concept for my version of Unicron
Npc hit his horse so I shot him
AC Syndicate… is it worth it?
What is your favorite Symbiote suit style
Wy is it do hard for me to get a girlfriend yet do easy for others
do guys like girls who are quiet
Does anyone actually like the modern day story?
Anyone else legitimately sad to finish Spider-Man 2?
What you’s doing if you and your crush were the last people on the planet
How long do we think the series will last?
I just watched the assassin's creed movie here's a list I gathered of everything wrong in it in you know more stuff it got wrong please tell me so I can add it to the list
What was your first platinum trophy?
What’s your honest opinion on Jurassic World Evolution 3 being announced, and what are your hopes/expectations for it?
type "dutch wants me to ... " and let the autocorrect finish the rest
Give it a title
Do yall get that crush depression? Like u start realizing everything that’s wrong with u?