Is this the first sign of peace between both camps since Live 8?
Tf did i do ????
Jack needs to bring back YGS!
People who have switched political parties/affiliations, what was the straw that broke the camels back?
New Ghost Merch Design. Thoughts?
New rules of war. How will this benefit our new America First mentality?
Manson is never more relevant than in 2025 Trump/Musk insanity
F/40 League Issues First-Ever Player Ban
Copia & Perpetua - Not Twins!
Polyphia youtooz
How do I edit my flair?
With two more singles releasing, perhaps we are getting the music video Trilogy we were supposed to get during Impera.
Does anyone above the age of 14 use these skins?
I need help
Sooo….. That new Kanye merch huh?
are fortnite kids homophobic?
People who know
SO glad we learned from Ranked OG ZB about giving every damn mode a Ranked version.
Are there any good alternative vocaloid pedals that would hold up to this?
I've been playing this guitar nonstop for almost five months, I'm replacing the strings for the first time. is this damage normal?
Costume timeline
What's the point of this long thing on some Floyd Roses?
How do i get rid of the chips?
Quite possibly the best image I have ever seen in my life.