Comparing my 2 favorite rpg (Pokemon Ultra Sun and Genshin Impact)
"Why don't you love me?" "Because you're _______"
Help setting up team for girlfriend
I always knew this ____ would come....
Am I the only one who doesn't like rewatching?
[Spoiler Discussion] After learning the letter is blank, why Subaru did not check on Rem in his next loop?
My wife cheated on me just for ______!
Soloku is coming for you. Who are you choosing?
As things stand with the leaks who do you think will be better with her Layla or Charlotte?
Who's the best girl in rezero (safe zone btw)
Name me the baddest girl in rezero (safe zone go crazy)
Let's build a protagonist! Day 9: Voice
Other than Pokémon, what are your other fandoms?
Spirits, what should I name my dog?
I fell down a cliff.... There was _____ at the bottom
Should I get furina?
My ideal team for skirk
Type in "I have explosive ___" and let auto complete finish it
Gengar is ghost ____ type
Ouija bored who is the anime best girl of all time?
[meme] The switch up is INSANE
what mega pokemon do you want ( BUT NO MEGA CHARIZARD Z)
I like the ________ type
I skipped after I saw Diluc show up and
Type your favourite Genshin character's name without using the crossed out letters