Linguistic diversity within the Indian football (soccer) team
Indian XI prediction vs Bangladesh, what will you change here
Is Latinos calling "Chinos/Chinitos" to Asians in Latin America the equivalent to Gringos calling "Mexicans" to Lantin Americans living in the United States?
Are there any other countries as divided as India when it comes to language?
Is Sania Mirza the most under-appreciated Indian?
There was the Doha Cat; now there’s the Austin Peacock
If you were to learn any Indian language, which language would you learn??
(26 Feb) Happy Birthday to Li Na :)
Did I say anything wrong here?
México podrá ser un lugar de mierda, pero que buena cocina tiene lpm
Is Ninja Hattori an anime?
India is the only country with tigers and wild lions.
Un grupo de activistas veganos fueron a protestar al Alto Palermo
Secrets of success for indian chess
Basta de la xenofobia en contra de venezolanos
I find with all the conversation that indian players have come along way. They still contribute lesser as compared to early seasons of ISL. Around 30% for total goal scored in each season.
¿Qué artistas creen que están muy infravalorados y tienen muy buena música?
Hi Reddit! Vishy here, ready to dive into your questions. Ask me anything! (AMA)
Why is this considered a bad move?
Men's Javelin Throw 2024: India v/s World!
Did the rules change?
When will India get another striker of his calibre?