What’s something people do or say that makes you roll your eyes?
If you could sit and have a drink with one celebrity (dead or alive) who would it be?
Who is your favorite Crash character?
What’s something you can smell just by looking at it?
What’s your least favorite thing to do?
If you could sit and have a beer with one celebrity, who would it be?
Seafood is disgusting
Why do you think people like getting roasted online?
[US, US] [H] case fresh XY primal clash and roaring skies booster boxes, acrylic cases included [W] PayPal
What has become the most iconic shot in KH history?
[H] case fresh XY primal clash and roaring skies booster boxes, acrylic cases included [W] PayPal
[H] case fresh XY primal clash and roaring skies booster boxes [W] PayPal
I miss the old Kanye
What’s your opinion on Kanye West?
What game(s) are you playing this weekend?
How is your mental health heading into the weekend?
Who else grew up on EA BIG games?
One of my students that knows I like WWE thrifted this and surprised me with it today
One of my students thrifted this and surprised me with it today
I’m a high school teacher and one of my students got this from the thrift store and surprised me with it today
Which Is the most Iconic Kanye Photo?
What’s something you smell that makes you smile and say “ahhh”?