Day 3 - C
Who would wear these?
What would happen if we saw Aunt Dirt and Cousin Danica interact?
Billy wins Day 7! Now for Day 8: Which AD character is morally grey and hated by fans?
I Feel Attacked!
A PC had their Spicy Book Collection Stolen. Need 50 spicy fantasy novel names.
Why no Bryony Corrigan in Comedy about spies?
What is your version of "I did not care for the Godfather"
Hypothetical Question
What episode has a b story that overshadows the main story?
Don’t mind me, just wanted to show everyone my Wheels & The Legman shirt
In your opinion what’s the best clerks movie?
Roiger wearing Billy persona
What’s your example of Mr. Frond being an absolutely awful guidance counselor?
What was your first Smosh video?
Update on “Operation: The Great North”
Just a Delroy appreciation post 💕
Which seasons do you think have the best rewatchability?
Operation: The Great North - Review: Sexi Moose Adventure
Tuttle wins Day 4! Now onto Day 5: Which AD character is morally grey with divided fan opinions?
Mamá and papá Restaurant, did this episode disgust you a bit? Being a fan of noodles, I actually had a hard time watching it. Tell me what do you think about this atrocity? Did it disgust you too?
What are some moments where cast members completely shocked the room?
What’s your favorite Smith Family Portrait?